Behind My Name


Taken from a name of a flower which known as Azalea,  

Talitha means Pretty, It's might seems fake but it is, Pretty. 

Means, Holy, Clean, Virgin, and so much things in that kind

My parents hope me to grow up prettily like a flower, that loved by everybody, using the heat of the sun to grow. And that's what I take as my motivation in life. I'll shine, I'll grow, and I'll bloom, like a pretty flower in your garden.  

But the thing is, my name is not exactly my name at first. 
The story start when I was just an embryo(LOL), my mother not really prepare a name for me, and it turns out it's my turn to get on this world, so that's it, I was born without a name that prepared for me. but I was lucky enough, my mother's sister (my aunt) is also pregnant at that time, and she prepare a name for her baby, Azalia Zahra. So that's it my name history. 
My real name is Talitha 
that middle name.