*A Year ago*
"Do you really have to go now?" He stare at her with a broken smile.
She hold her smile, take his hand said "You know it's already late."
"Will we meet tomorrow?"
"My day is all yours, Okay? I gotta go now. See you."
She left with a smile on her cheeks, she's really hurt when she look in to his eyes, but she really has to go, even if it's the hardest goodbye she ever known.
Yeah, she believe that was the hardest goodbye can happen to her.
Until today...
"I gotta go now." She smile to him and packed her things
"Okay, see you soon." He stare at her and reply her smile, watching her open up the door and leaving him, just like that.
She walk slowly to her home, hoping the boy she left behind will call her name, but he don't.
So she get in to her room, sitting there in the corner and whispering to her self, "So this is it? Hardest goodbye? It's not about how I couldn't let you go,But 'bout how I let you go so easily, as if there's nothing between us. Why do we really need to act as if we're just friend? You know we never be friends. "