21 Juni 2017


Before you read this post let me tell you this actually my old post
Well, I never post this but I write this around a year and a half before now,
Just want to inform you that so that no one will judge that I couldn't move through my lastest breakup. 

Secara harafiah, Move on itu artinya 'lanjutkan'. Jadi, tergantung kita yang ngartiin, lanjutkan berarti mengikhlaskan atau lanjutkan perasaan yang dirasakannya.
Menurut psikolog aku dulu, yang harus dilakuin itu sebenernya 'Move away' bukan Move on. Move on berarti lanjutkan, lanjutkan perasaannya, tapi kalo move away, we will keep in our mind they're not the place where we belong. Yap, setuju banget dari dulu yang ada di otak aku cuma, kalo jodoh gak akan kemana, kalo ga jodoh ya berarti aku jodoh sama yang lain. JUST WAIT.

Dulu aku selalu bilang kalo move on itu hal yang mudah banget asal ada keinginan. Buat orang-orang yang berkata kayak gini, tapi aku sadar, saat itu aku cuma  belom ngerasain yang namanya ketemu 'the place where I belong' belom nemu orang dimana aku berkata 'you're my home' (alay sih ndengernya, tapi that's what I feel), atau orang yang udah berada jauh banget dari kamu but when you're together you feel it, LOVE.

Dan ketika ketemu orang ini, Kata move on itu jadi berubah arti, Ikhlas. Entah gimana, yang pengen diliat itu adalah orang ini bahagia. 
Well, aku pernah naksir, suka, sayang sama orang bukan sekali dua kali, but somehow, I always move on. Setidaknya itu yang aku rasain. But now, I don't know, Turns out I'm wrong. I'm stuck. Well, kalo mau dibilang karena aku ga mau move on, nggak juga sih, tapi sometimes aku juga sadar ini karena diri aku sendiri. I want to move, but somehow, I don't know how.

This time, it's feel like I'm afraid of falling in love again. I keep wondering, what if he coming back again, and he is the one that I can't deny. This person is the one where I feel like home, the one who is really far from me , but he don't need me to tell about my self. He knows me well. so well. He even knows me better than I did. But,  I've hurt him, so much. I know it. And the stupid me thinking that he will always coming back. I know he won't. He won't this time. I've hurt him too much, even, I love him too much too.

And the thing is, even I move, he still there, he still standing right the place he always belong. We have talk about this a couple time. I always tell him things not always work the way it should be.
Cause I always think we should be.